Immune Boost from the Cupboard
It’s autumn, and there’s a new chill in the air. Here in the Pacific Northwest, it means wetter, colder and darker. It’s not winter yet, but this is when many of us start getting Colds and the Flu. We’ve already been seeing an increase of Colds in the clinic.
We want to share with you some wonderful home remedies and recipes for this season, so you can keep healthy and enjoy the changing colors and brisk air of Fall instead of having to curl up in bed, sick at home. These recipes and remedies draw upon the rich and long history of Chinese Medicine. Remember, food is your first medicine!
Autumn Immune VegetablesÂ
Are your friends, co-workers and family sick and you’re worried you might get sick? Have something delicious, healthy, and medicinal all at once! Can also be taken at the onset of getting a Cold
- 1 onion, sliced
- 1 cup turnips slivered
- 1 cup carrots chopped
- 1 Tbsp Sesame Oil
- 1-1.5 Tbls light miso mixed with 1/4 to 1/2 cup water
- 1 Tbsp grated fresh Ginger
- optional 1 Tbsp grated lemon peel
Start with sauteing the onions for 3-4 minutes in the sesame oil. Add the carrots and turnips, cooking for at least another 5 minutes. Add the miso, ginger, and lemon and simmer for 10 minutes.
Serves 4, often with brown rice and soy sauce
Ginger Tea
A classic. For when you’re just feeling the beginnings of a Cold
- 2 Tbsp of of freshly grated ginger
- 12oz of water
Simmer for 15 min with the lid on.
Yes, it’s okay to use some honey to taste. This is supposed to be a strongly flavored tea.
If you’d like to further support your immune system during this change of seasons, come in for a series of acupuncture. There are also herbal formulas for those of us who get sick often, to help get over a cold faster, or to work on that lingering cough. For a stuffy head and nose, patients are usually breathing better during their appointment.
Let us know what we can do to support you.
Lastly, we’re excited to announce that Acupuncture will be offered 9-12 and 2-5pm on Tuesday starting in November!
Enjoy the new colors of Autumn, and see you soon!